#   %   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z   c   s      All 
MACD()Moving Avg Converge/DivergeMoving Average Convergence/Divergence. Returns the difference between a 26-bar and a 12-bar exponential moving average.Full Description
MACDD()Moving Avg Converge/DivergeDifference of the MACD with its EMA average (the signal line) when period>1 otherwise returns MACDFull Description
Max()Calculate the max/min in a setReturns the largest value in list. Up to 20 parameters are allowed and NAs are discarded
MaxCorrel()Maximum Position CorrelationCalculates the maximum correlation coefficient of the stock being evaluated vs. the current holdings. You can use this to avoid buying or holding highly correlated stocks.Full Description
Median()Median of a set of valuesReturns the median value in list. Up to 20 parameters are allowed and NAs are discarded
MedianDailyTot()LiquidityMedian daily total amount traded (price * volume) for the past number of bars.
MedianVol()VolumeMedian volume of the past number of barsFull Description
MicroCountMarket Cap ConcentrationNumber of positions in the MicroCap group. See Full Description for details and examples.Full Description
MicroWeightMarket Cap ConcentrationWeight of the MicroCap group as % of total market value. See Full Description for details and examples.Full Description
MidCountMarket Cap ConcentrationNumber of positions in the MidCap group. See Full Description for details and examples.Full Description
MidWeightMarket Cap ConcentrationWeight of the MidCap group as % of total market value. See Full Description for details and examples.Full Description
Min()Calculate the max/min in a setReturns the smallest value in list. Up to 20 parameters are allowed and NAs are discarded
MinLiquidity()LiquidityReturns the lowest total amount traded (price * volume) for the past number of bars.
MktCapMarket CapitalizationMarket Capitalization ($ millions) - for stocks and closed-end funds (CEFs)Full Description
Mod()Modulus OperatorModulus operation that returns the remainder of val/modulo
Momentum()MomentumMeasures the amount that a security's closing price has changed over a given time span.

absolute = FALSE (default) calculates as 100*Close(0)/Close(bars)
absolute = TRUE calculates as Close(0)-Close(bars)

See Full Description for details.
Full Description
MonthDateReturns the month 1-12 of the current trading day.
MonthBars()Trading day in monthReturns 1 (TRUE) if the as-of date is the nth trading day of the month. Negative offsets are evaluated relative to end of month (e.g. -2 is the second-to-last trading day of the month). In multi-country regions, country code must be specified. MonthBars is intended to be used in strategies, not screens or ranking systems.Full Description
MonthDayDateReturns the day of the month 1-31 of the current trading day.
MScoreAQIBeneish M-ScoreBeneish M-Score AQI: Asset Quality IndexFull Description
MScoreDEPAMIBeneish M-ScoreBeneish M-Score DEPI: Depreciation Index (uses Dep&Amort)Full Description
MScoreDEPIBeneish M-ScoreBeneish M-Score DEPI: Depreciation Index (uses an estimate for Depreciation)Full Description
MScoreDSRIBeneish M-ScoreBeneish M-Score DSRI: Days Sales in Receivables IndexFull Description
MScoreGMIBeneish M-ScoreBeneish M-Score GMI: Gross Margin IndexFull Description
MScoreLVGIBeneish M-ScoreBeneish M-Score LVGI: Leverage IndexFull Description
MScoreSGAIBeneish M-ScoreBeneish M-Score SGAI: Sales, General and Administrative expenses IndexFull Description
MScoreSGIBeneish M-ScoreBeneish M-Score SGI: Sales Growth IndexFull Description
MScoreTATABeneish M-ScoreBeneish M-Score TATA: Total Accruals to Total AssetsFull Description