Is there a series for S&P500 dividend yield?

It looks like #SPYield is the S&P500 earnings yield. Is there a series for S&P500 dividend yield?


from an earlier thread on this:

Posted by marco at Sep 3, 2015 12:13:59 PM
Re: Screening for yields greater than S&P 500
From the documentation at: TIME SERIES IDS->S&P 500 IDs

#SPYIELD: SP500 Estimated Yield (SP500 curr year estimates) / (SP500 price)

So name is misleading. Should have been called something like #SPESTYIELD. There are several ways to calculate the SP500 Yield

Using median (~2.09%): FMedian(“yield”,#sp500)

Using the aggregate & Cap Weighting Avg(~2.2%): Aggregate(“yield”, #sp500, #CapAvg, 0, #Exclude, FALSE )

Using the aggregate and simple Avg (~2.1%): Aggregate(“yield”, #sp500, #Avg, 0, #Exclude, FALSE )

Type these rules in a screen to see the values (the starting uinverse doe not matter with the #SP500 scope:

showvar(@ycapavg, Aggregate(“yield”, #sp500, #CapAvg, 0, #Exclude, FALSE ) )
showvar(@yavg, Aggregate(“yield”, #sp500, #Avg, 0, #Exclude, FALSE ) )
showvar(@ymedian, FMedian(“yield”,#sp500))

NOTE: values are all quite similar!

Hi David,

Thank you very much!
