NEW: a way to generate a Correlation Coefficient Matrix using the Screener

Dear All,

A new odd-ball function is available in the screener that produces a Correlation Coefficient Matrix in the Screener report. You can find the documentation under: SCREENER->Show Correlation Matrix in report

For example, to create a Correlation Matrix for the 1 day returns for the past 3 months, for stocks in AIRFREIGHT , with market cap greater than 1.5B , enter these rules:

Industry=AIRFREIGHT and mktcap>1500

Click Run-Screen , then select the report “Screen Factors”

You should see something like the image below (showCorrel automatically creates the necessary columns using the tickers)


Just a bit more work and we can have portfolio optimization…

holy smokes!

I can’t follow how to run this in the SCREEN tab, can you list more detailed instructions? Thanks in advance.

Here’s a sample :