Is there a parameter in ranking systems that can be used to control the overall number of recommendations?

Is there a parameter in ranking systems that can be used to control the overall number of recommendations?

“AvgRec4WkAgo / AvgRec4”


It merely states the change in recommendation, but I want to make sure that more than two individuals provide the recommendation “buy” or higher.

Under Factor & Function Reference->Estimates->EPS Estimates:
Also see ~ ->Sales Estimates

Yes, there is. ConsRec(#RecCnt) will show you the number of analysts providing recommendations. ConsRec(#BuyCnt) will show you the number of analysts providing buy recommendations.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Just to be sure, by using this code (ConsRec (#RecCnt) > 3) (Boolian values) in a ranking system, the strategy requires at least 3 recommendations before buying?

Using that rule in a ranking system will not prevent the strategy from buying any stocks. Ranking systems are not hard filters. The boolean rule you mentioned would rank all the stocks and give a rank of 100 for those with ConsRec (#RecCnt) > 3 and a rank of 0 for the others.

If you want to prevent the strategy from buying those stocks, then use ConsRec (#RecCnt) > 3 as a buy rule in the strategy.