create backtest without ranking system

it is possible to create a strategy without a ranking input,
the ranking is a waste of time, empirically

Every strategy has a fixed number of positions. It’s very hard to get a fixed number of positions without a ranking system. Buy and sell rules aren’t precise enough.

You could create a very simple ranking system for this purpose with only one node, e.g. market cap.

Euro, could you explain what you mean by this?
Are you attempting to test factors via screening rules only?
I’m very curious how other people conduct tests and experiments.


I use this for a No-Rank system for ETFs:



thank you for the replies,

Pre posting I had created trading strategies with Ranking and without Ranking and the rtn per annum is the same, on strategies with many inputs Ranking and no Ranking made a difference on rtn per annum, with Ranking rtn per annum the clear winner, on strategies with two or three inputs the Ranking versus no ranking made no difference.