DNNGY not covered

Just wondered why there’s no coverage for this ADR. Orsted has a market cap of over $80bn and 2019 revenue of almost $15bn. I see their financials on both Morningstar and Mergent Online. But searching for them on Portfolio123, I find nothing. I am curious why that is.

DNNGY is an unsponsored ADR and our data provider gives us very few of those. Almost all of the ADRs we have are sponsored, and almost all are either Tier II or Tier III. There are thousands of ADRs out there, and not all of those are in our database; unsponsored ones are the hardest ones to trade, and have the least information about them available.

See https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/unsponsoredadr.asp and https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/041015/what-are-differences-between-levels-i-ii-and-iii-american-depository-receipts-adrs.asp

Thanks, Yuval.