EDIT: This post was meant to be in a different thread.

As a general rule, I have found that the $3 a share cutoff was arbitrary.

Why do we need a liquidity filter?

  1. Data errors. For example, if the open price is mistakenly listed as 0.00 (a placeholder for NA) then the return can be quite high. Misleading.
  2. To minimize the bid/ask bounce. For example if the bid is 0.01 and the ask is 0.03, you can register a fake 200% return just from the bid/ask bounce.
  3. Liquidity constraints on real life buying. You can’t buy $1 million worth of a nano cap at the open price.

I usually have the following rules to minimize the data errors:
MktCap > 25
Price > 0.1

You can see some of the pricing errors with this public screen. Raise the minimums until the pricing errors disappear.