Screening with "Rank of ranks"

Is it possible to combine multiple P123 ranking systems in a screen? For instance, P123 core Investing styles are Combination, Growth, Low Volatility, Momentum, Quality , Sentiment and Value. Is it an option to sub-select one or more of these ranking systems as a screening rule with weightages?
Just as an example, a momentum trader could be looking at a combination of momentum and sentiment, where as a long term value investor could be looking at the screen factors value and quality.

Personally, after years of mediocre results with automated stock selection models, I have better luck with manual screening and short listing and eye-balling the charts /news than the automated models and this feature would be a really great addition.

The Rating function lets you use ranks in screener rules. Like this → Rating(“Core Combination”) > 80

As Dan says, the Rating function works well if you want to filter separately on ranking systems. If you want to combine existing ranking systems in a new ranking system and play with the weights, follow the next steps.

1/ create a new ranking system
2/ go to the 1st ranking system you want to combine, select the root node and choose “copy” in the drop down list on the right
3/ go to your new ranking system, select the root node and choose “paste” in the drop down list
4/ click “update” and “save”
5 / repeat from 2/ with all the ranking systems you want to combine
6/ adjust the weights of the pasted nodes as you want
Click “update” and “save” every time you change something

You can do the same thing in the text editor if you prefer working directly in Xml code.
It would be great if ranking systems were reusable by reference. Copy-paste is the solution for now.