One of P123’s competitors

I have a friend who is considering this service: [url=][/url]

I have showed him how he could use DataMiner and Python instead.

This service claims to be particularly good for time-series. Maybe they are. And you do not have to know Python with this service. So there are, perhaps, some real advantages.

But this service uses slick marketing with buzzwords for things that are available with Python.

Assuming my friend wants to use fundamental data (for the most part) there should be no question in his mind (in my opinion).

There SHOULD be no question (once there is a smooth download of data from P123 that is). Preferably a smooth download that does not require one to call Aaron each time you want to download data a 2 o’clock in the morning (or use a Windows machine for that matter). But these are just preferences.

BTW, a model is useless if you cannot gather the overnight new data (easily) in the morning to make predictions before the market opens.

Still, I am not sure that my friend will not be captured by the marketing.

Honestly, I can invest without any of this. But, for sure, my friend will chose one of these services. Just ideas if P123 wants to compete.



Wow it has intraday data that is pretty impressive given their price point. Does it have fundamnetal data?


I recommend you investigate the entire site. I will forward any emails my friend wants me to share.

