Quality data about Asian companies?

My third question of the day, sorry, it’s the last one.

I want to invest a part of my portfolio in Asia, I’ve been looking in the net for a web page with fundamental data about Asian stocks, but I found nothing good.

Anybody could recommend me a web page, similar to P123 if possible, with quality data about Asian companies?


Is your question about Asian stocks that are tradable in the US or Asian stocks that are on foreign exchanges? A large number of Asian stocks that are tradable in the US are in our database, and the fundamental data on those is excellent. Just limit yourself to countries domiciled in Asia using the country command. If you’re looking for stocks on foreign exchanges, I’m afraid you might have to wait for us to offer international coverage, which we’re still planning to roll out by year’s end.

My question is for all Asian stocks, foreign exchanges too.

But if you get the data for them at year’s end, my problem it’s over. :slight_smile:

I will have a look at the country command to see how many Asian stocks are here. Thanks Yuval !!