Size limit for stock factor uploads.

I’m attempting to load a rather substantial csv into a stock factor, but I’m getting a 504 gateway timeout error when uploading the file. The file is about 400k rows and 8 kb in size. Can we expand the timeout limit, or at least give the user a suggestion for a size limit?

Stock factor uploads are additive so you could split the file and upload the pieces.

Ah thanks. I thought the previous version was wiped out with every attempted reload.

Double check w/ a download when you’re done, but I think you’ll be ok.

Please send the entire file you were trying to upload to If attachment size is a problem, I would suggest either sending me a sharing link to Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. or your preferred file sharing service.
A gateway timeout means the intended operation may have completed on our end without a timely response to our internal proxy, so I’d like to try to pinpoint what could be causing it to take so long on our end. Thanks in advance.

I can confirm that Stock Factor uploads are additive , they don’t overwrite previous data.


I sent you a link to the file. As I noted, this file will need a lot of fixes to outdated tickers but the Gateway error prevents me from seeing what needs to be changed. It’s easier to fix the tickers in one large upload file all at once that to iterate the process over and over in a broken up uploads. After sleeping on it, I’m wondering if there are so many antiquated tickers that is causing the Gateway error and it’s blowing through the error/exception handling.

It looks like it was caused by naive fallback behavior which would query the database every time a symbol doesn’t resolve. This issue should be addressed tomorrow, allowing you to upload the entire dataset at once. Thanks for sending me the file.

Thank you for your help on this Aaron. I will give it a try tomorrow.

Working great now. Thanks.