Including Sector/Industry name in the ranking output

Is there any way to do this?


PS - I am trying to see how sector weights change with time for the top decile of a ranker

There’s no way to do it in the ranking tool, but you should be able to pipe the ranking system through the screener to get that output.

If I recall, the screener outputs the industry/sector code. I had to use a certain report to actually get the identifiers. I have been unable to find a table that correlates the industry/sector code to the text output. For example code 123456 = Tech.

This would be nice to have so we can translate. I would use it as a lookup in excel.

I have a workaround in place, but it would be awesome if the industry/sector was output in words rather than digits in screener without having to use the limited default report.

Here’s one:

Sweet, thank you!

Paul - that does not work as you cannot export more than 500 lines of data. If i want to do sector changes thru time, i need all the data. (all fundamentals has ~6500 securities right now)

But when ranking - you can export the whole table. Any workarounds?

Actually it will be nice Market cap, price, sector and industry name can be added to ranking data output itself.

How do you do this? Get the name of the sector/industry/subsector in a screen instead of the code?

This link no longer works.

Yeah but how do I get the actual name of the sector/industry in the screener, instead of the code?

The “RBICS Description”.


You create a screen report with SectorDesc, IndDesc, etc.

I see how to build a report using SectorDesc, IndDesc…

Is it possible to get SectorDesc into a ShowVar()?


No. Unfortunately, the only way to get sector/industry names is to use a screen report, either your own or the P123 default. Can I ask you why that’s not satisfactory?

Its fine Yuval. I spent so long trying to figure it out before I knew about the report, I was just curious.
Thanks for the follow up.