Day of rebalance (e.g. Friday instead of monday)

Day of rebalance (e.g. Friday instead of monday)

Is this possible?

Also Monday and Friday?

Thank you
Best Regardsa

Yes indeed. Use WeekDay in your buy and sell rules. See

In a simulation, rebalance every day and use the sell rule:

WeekDay=2 or WeekDay=6

For a Monday/Friday rebalance. Note, though, that the ranks will not change between those two points; historical rankings are always done weekly on Mondays.

Unless you want to sell or reevaluate everything twice a week, you’ll want to preface your real rules with that timing rule:

(WeekDay=2 or WeekDay=6) and MktCap<2000
WeekDay=2 or WeekDay=6

And if Monday is a holiday, there’s no re-balance until Friday. Right?