Ticker unavailble - VIV

While checking the performance of a list of stocks in a screen, I realized “VIV” was not being considered.

Even with Ticker(“VIV”) and no other rules and Universe set to All Stocks, VIV does not pass screen. It is listed in the stock search so it must exist in P123 database.

How to include VIV in evaluation?


We’re investigating this. I’ve asked S&P to clarify some stuff in the database. I’ll let you know when I have an answer.

We heard back from S&P. VIV is an ADR preferred, so it won’t be added into universes at all.

Just to clarify: there are a number of stocks that show up when you do a search that are not in our universes. These are preferred shares or private issues.

Thanks for the explanation.

I see now that after clicking on the VIV ticker after the stock search, there is no data in the VIV snapshots or panels other then technical. Is that the only way to tell?

The fundamental data exists on other sites, so perhaps it will show up when you switch providers.