Analyst estimates

While doing some research/screening for pharma company earnings, I discovered that ELOXX Pharma (ticker ELOX) has no earnings estimates or analyst coverage in P123, but that other sites (e.g., NASDAQ) have consensus yearly and quarterly EPS estimates. Also, that there are 3 estimates.

Is this simply a case of where data is sourced or ???



Looks like an issue, will investigate. Interestingly it has price targets. Thanks for reporting this.

Thanks, Marco

Looks like the only EPS estimates we have in the database are GAAP estimates for this company. We don’t load these because we prefer Normalized Estimates where the analysts makes adjustments for extra ordinary events.

We’ve never really seen this situation before where there’s GAAP but not Normalized. We’re asking Compustat if this is a data problem

If not maybe it’s a situation we should handle; either by

1- exposing both estimates (GAAP & Normal)
2- using GAAP whenever Normal is missing (falling back)

Let us know your thoughts. Should we stick to one EPS estimate and maybe do fallbacks? Expose them both ?


If you want to cover these cases, I would prefer exposing both. That way if the Normal EPS is missing, one could use isNA to decide how, or if, to fallback;



Agree, expose both.

I think having the choice of using/not using the GAAP estimate is the better approach.

If I find some other tickers with the same issue will provide them.


Agree. I’d like to have both since they have different interpretations.

Agree with the general view. Would prefer programming language such that my present port does not need a change to keep it the same.

Doesn’t mean I couldn’t make a change if that is the way to do it.



Anything further on this?
