"Price > 3" may allow errors to slip through the rules

From 7/22/17 to 8/21/17, the “All fundamentals” universe filtered with MktCap > 25 AND Price > 3 jumped by 45%. Upon closer inspection, one stock (AMBO) shot up from $0.01 to $12.25.

Obviously the price history has errors that should be addressed. But what is interesting here is that the rule Price > 3 didn’t filter it out. That’s because on rank date 7/22/17, the price was listed correctly as 4.80. But the screener “bought” the stock for 0.01 despite the rule.

A giveaway is that the price jumped on 0 volume days.

I just noticed a similar problem on 7/7/17; the “price” plummeted from 4.00 to 2.00 on a zero volume day, and then jumped back up to 4.00.

For reference, nasdaq.com seems to have the correct historical prices here .

I’ve seen these before. That’s what they send us.

Our automatic price filling mechanism could fix this if we strip out 0 volume days from the database. But we can’t do this for some stocks since the volume is always 0 (pink sheets and ADRs). So it’s a bit of a pickle to try to fix it ourselves.

We’ll report this particular one. They should fix it; but there will be others still.


Thanks Marco.