Error in transaction fees for books

Hi P123,

Unless I am mistaken it looks like a book set with the ‘commission’ field at ‘0.05%’ (0.0005) actually uses ‘5%’ (0.05)
If I am right, this is new from this week.

See my “submit a request” message via the contact part of the website (incl screenshot).

Many thanks,


We are investigating.

This bug is still there as I am rebalancing now. I can confirm that it is a matter of 0.0x% interpreted as x%.
(this time I am doing it with another book that has 0.04% and yet it applies a commission of 4%)
It was working in the past…

For the moment, I am going to use the setting as fixed commission $2

Thank you in advance


Confirming that I’ve noticed this as well


Sorry for the delay - We’ve released a new update to the book commissions that should properly fix this issue.

Thanks for your patience,