Rebalance portfolio to equally weighted using current position

Need comments on how to equally rebalance current 10 positions to 9.6% leaving a 4% cash

Using these settings should get the job done:
[font=courier new]Sizing Method: Formula Weight
Position Weight Formula: 1
Ideal Number of Positions: 11
Weight Constraints Maximum: 9.6
Exposure after Rebalance: Allow deviation[/font]
Add this as a buy rule: [font=courier new]PosCnt <= 10[/font]

Setting it as an 11-position portfolio allows you to set the maximum weight constraint to as low as 9.09%, whereas a 10-position portfolio would prohibit maximum weight constraints below 10%.
The effect of setting to 11 positions is negated by the [font=courier new]PosCnt[/font] buy rule, allowing the remaining (100 - 10 * 9.6)% to remain cash.