Something is wrong with Books


When I try to edit a simulated or live book, I get not Assets at all under the “Assets” tab.
When I rebalance a live book, it recommends me to close all open positions.

Please fix this. Thank you.

Confirmed. I have the same problem. No asset in live books (which obviously results in selling all open positions at rebalance)

Me too

But my reminder email “Portfolio123 Latest trade signals …” shows proper rebalancing trades

Yes, but the “Portfolio123 Book rebalance notice” shows a sell for all holdings

It seems that the portfolio transaction date is wrong in the underlying portfolios. it shows 01/16 instead of today’s date 01/15.

All the Assets are missing…

perhaps because it is bank holiday today

Non obvious for non-US members (like me) but I just realized that Today is off in the US (Martin Luther King Jr day).

It does not explain why all assets disappeared from the books but explain the 16/01 date in the underlying ports


Hello All

Book assets should now be showing up properly. We did find a bug that was preventing them from loading.

We’re checking right now to see how this affected the automatic book rebalance.

Will update here when we have more info.


FWIW my books are still showing no positions. Sold all holdings.

Books are looking good now.

The issue should now be resolved.

For automatically rebalanced books we reversed todays bad (sell everything) transactions and re-ran the rebalance. There should be a new email with the correct transactions.

For semi-automatic books (email recs only) the email will also contain the corrected recommendations.

Sorry for this issue and thanks for your patience as we sorted it out.