Stale fundamental data in Port Recommendations vs Server Status?

This morning (~7:30AM CT Sat Jan 6 2018) my portfolio rebalance shows:

“Recommendations will be based on fundamental data as of 2017/12/30.”

But System Status shows Fundamental Data is current as of 1/5/18.

I’ve never paid much attention to this before, but does the rebalance “fundamental data” not mean the same as the “fundamental data” on the server status page?

I see that Estimate Revision Data is still dated as of 12/30/2017, and that the Saturday full load starts at 11AM CT. Some questions:

  1. Are either of those (Estimate Revision Data or Saturday Full Load) holding up the Rebalance fundamental data date stamp?
  2. In others’ experience, how much changes due to the full database load at 11AM?
  3. Estimate revision data is “yellow status”, does that mean there’s a problem with data loading and I should wait for that to go green? What’s the expected cadence for estimate revision data?

Thanks, there’s always new stuff to learn about P123!

Is “Force Weekly Ranks” set to “Yes” in your portfolio?

It is.


With Force Weekly Ranks set you should now be seeing 1/6 as the recommendations base date.

The Saturday Full Load is what actually sets a new fundamental “week” in the database, so if you have Force Weekly Ranks you WILL have to wait until that update is complete to have the latest week of data.

The Estimate Revision Date, while it didn’t update until very early this morning, shouldn’t have affected your rebalance.

Hope this helps,

This helps a lot thank you.

If I set Force Weekly Ranks “off” how does that affect the freshness/timeliness of the data.

Is there a document/previous forum post that I can read regarding this topic?

I don’t know of any documentation, but if force weekly ranks is set to ‘off’, it allows ranks to be generated new every day when running live ports only. But you have to manually rebalance every day. No way to test daily ranking in simulation mode (yet).

If it is set force weekly ranks to ‘on’, you will be using Monday mornings data even on Thursday and Friday of that week.

This was likely mentioned in a forum post somewhere but not sure about documentation.