Insider Ownership

I’m curious about the Insider Ownership data. For some reason the data I see here doesn’t align with the data seen in other sources (Yahoo finance, etc.). Nor does a screen of businesses with high % ownership deliver the excess return that I see in most research into this anomaly. Perhaps I’m using the wrong data field. Anyway, welcome input.


We’re reporting it directly from our sources. Some sources may differ with regard to timing or the classification of what constitutes an insider.

It appears there is no data, see below.

I guess this still is an open issue;,8821#46644

Can someone please look into this? It really would be useful. As things stand it appears this data is corrupted or nonexistent.

I was working with this today, and just wanted to add to this thread. Of all the insider fields, only the Insider Ownership Pct is the only one without data. The others seem populated.