Best Results and Methods

I’ve been a member for over 10 years but not long after finding the site got involved in a few businesses and have just not had the time to fully focus. I am slowly returning to trading and am beginning to reorient myself to trading. Over the years I’ve narrowed down a ton of research I did 10 years ago to 4 or 5 sites/strategies which seem to hold the most promise long term, including this one (and trading based on alerts from sites like trade-ideas, for instance) I would really like to focus fully on one approach/methodology as I get back into trading and trying to figure out where people have had the most success.

Would you be willing to share a few things about your performance? Namely:

  • what sort of annual returns have you gotten the last few years on P123 systems?
  • how long do you hold your positions? daily, weekly, longer?
  • what sort of stocks (microcaps, etc)?
  • do you buy/sell based on your system or do you do any T/A to enter or exit the trades?
  • without giving away your secret sauce, anything you can share about your approach

Thanks! Appreciate any feedback.

My annual return since 1/11/15 (when I started using P123’s ranking systems) is 47%. I hold my stocks for an average of two months, sometimes a lot longer and sometimes a lot less, but I almost never sell a stock within a week of purchase. I buy almost exclusively microcaps, occasionally a few small caps. I don’t do any technical analysis when I buy and sell. I use a robust ranking system with over forty factors and buy and sell based ONLY on rank position; I try to fold everything that matters into my ranking system rather than using any screening.

Since 2011 about 20% p.a., last year about 45%, this year so far 15%, all in all 10-20% with a small portfolio (below 1.000.000) doable…
