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Full Description

Surprise is calculated by dividing the difference between the actual result and the mean estimate at the time of the earnings announcement by the absolute value of the mean estimate.

EPSSurprise(offset, period)
SalesSurprise(offset, period)

offset: 0 - N where 0 is latest period
period: ANN , QTR

Prebuilt Factors
Surprise%Q1 Surprise%Q2 Surprise%Q3 Surprise%Q4 Surprise%Q5 Surprise%Y1 Surprise%Y2 Surprise%Y3 Surprise%Y4 SalesSurp%Q1 SalesSurp%Q2 SalesSurp%Q3 SalesSurp%Q4 SalesSurp%Q5 SalesSurp%Y1 SalesSurp%Y2 SalesSurp%Y3 SalesSurp%Y4

Return the surprise for the estimate and period. For example Surprise%Q1 represent the most recent quarter surprise, Q2 two quarters a go, and so on. Surprise%Q1 is equivalent to EPSSurprise(0,QTR)