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Regression functions are only available for Ultimate Subscriptions.

Regression functions calculate the “best fit” straight line through a set of two variables. The statistics produced by the regression help determine if there is an underlying meaningful relationship, or forecasting ability, between the independent variable (x) and the dependent variable (y). 

To use regression, you need to use a LinReg function, then you can use factors to access the statistics. Multiple regression in your formulas and ranking systems are allowed using precise placement: regression factors access the most recent regression formula preceding the factor.

NOTE: In the Examples section you will find some code to get started as well as a link to a spreadsheet with all the calculations.

Functions that evaluate a regression:

LinReg("Formula(CTR)",  iterations )
LinRegVals(y0, y1, …., y50)
LinRegXY("X-Formula(CTR)", "Y-Formula(CTR)", iterations)
LinRegXYVals(x0, y0, …, x50, y50)

The functions above return true if regression is completed, and false otherwise. The first two are time-series regressions where the X is not supplied and represents a period of time. The “XY” regressions are general regressions where the X is explicitly supplied.

With "formula(CTR)" functions the special CTR variable must be used inside "formula". The CTR starts at 0 and is incremented by 1 for each iteration. The formula will be executed multiple times specified by the "iterations" parameter. 

Regression Statistics

The factors and functions below access the statistics for the nearest regression placed to the left or above in the formulas.

R2  Coefficient of determination

Slope Returns the slope of the regression.

SlopeSE The Standard Error of the regression slope.

SlopeTStat T-statistic for the regression slope

SlopePVal P-value for the regression slope using SlopeTStat

SlopeConf% Confidence in the regression slope, calculated as (1 - SlopePVal) * 100

SE Standard Error, also called Sy.x

RegGr%(period=1)   Regression growth is a compounded growth rate based on the regression line. The period can be used to normalize the growth rate to a different time frame than the samples. For example to annualize quarterly values set the period to 4. This factor is only available for time series regression. The formula used is: 100*(Power((Est(0)-Est(N-1))/Abs(Est(N-1))+1, period/N)-1)

SurpriseY(offset) % difference of the estimated Y vs actual
EstimateY(offset) Estimated Y
For LinReg() regressions offset corresponds to CTR in the formula 

  • Offset for most recent = 0
  • Offset for future = -1
  • Offset for oldest = (Samples - 1)

For LinRegVals()

  • Rightmost value offset = (Samples - 1)
  • Leftmost value offset = 0

Intercept The Y-intercept 

InterceptSE The Y-intercept Standard Error

Samples Number of observations in the regression


Time Series Regression

To find stocks where the 10Y sales regression has: 1) a positive slope 2) a good R2 of at least 0.8 and 3) latest sales above the trend, you could type the following

LinReg("Sales(CTR,ANN)",10) = TRUE
R2 > 0.8 and Slope > 0 and SurpriseY(0) > 0

XY Regression

To find company where the latest EPS  is above the expected EPS for a given revenue you could do the following:

SurpriseY(0) > 0 

Ranking System Example

In a ranking formula you can use this one liner to rank using the slope of the past 60 prices. Eval is used to do the following: if the regression is successful the Slope is used for ranking otherwise NA.

Eval(LinReg("Close(CTR)",60), Slope, NA)

Further Reading

Click here to open a spreadsheet example of all formulas

Original Release Announcement

Regression Formulas

Line Item Smoothed Factors

For every fundamental line item you can find predefined Annual and Trailing Twelve Months smoothed factors for a) most recent estimate and b) the annualized regression growth. We predefine them for two periods:

  • 5Y of TTM values sampled twice a year for a total of 10 samples
  • 10Y of ANN values samples 

You will find these smooth factors in the reference of each line item.

For Example these are the Smooth factors for  “Sales”

Factor Equivalent to 
SalesRegGr%TTM Eval(LinReg("Sales(CTR * 2, TTM)", 10), EstimateY(0), NA)
SalesRegGr%TTM Eval(LinReg("Sales(CTR * 2, TTM)", 10), RegGr%(2), NA)
SalesRegEstANN Eval(LinReg("Sales(CTR, ANN)", 10), EstimateY(0), NA)
SalesRegGr%ANN Eval(LinReg("Sales(CTR, ANN)", 10), RegGr%(1), NA)