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Full Description

These factors return different information from *your* most recent opinion on the stock being analyzed in the rule. They can be very handy to organize and track your research (see use case example at the end).

Setting Opinions

To record your opinion for a stock simply choose the opinion from the list that pops up when you hover over the thumbs up icon next to the ticker or name. This icon appears in many different web pages, like the pages or holdings pages. Please note that you can only choose one opinion per day per stock.


Opinion : Your most recent opinion on the stock either #Buy, #Hold, #Sell, #Watch, #Revisit, #BuyList or NA

OpinionDays : Returns the number of days since your most recent opinion or NA

OpinionBar : Returns the number of bars since your most recent opinion or NA

Opinion%Chg : Returns the % total return since your most recent opinion or NA

Use Case Examples

To only look at new stocks from your idea generation screen every month — stocks that you have not formulated an opinion on, or have not examined for at least 6 months, and that you don't currently in your account — use these rules:

Account("My account") = FALSE
OpinionDays = NA or OpinionDays > 180

To find stocks that have returned at least 10% since you liked them use these rules

Opinion = #Buy
Opinion%Chg > 10