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ChaikinTrend(bars [, offset, increment, series])
Full Description
This indicator uses closing price data and is an excellent and highly responsive trend indicator with very little lag. The Chaikin Trend Indicator is calculated as follows (using 14 bars as example):
CTI = 2 * (14 bar EMA) - (14 bar EMA of the 14 bar EMA)

bars: number of bars for the exponential averages 3-200
offset: optional, number of offset bars 0-100, defaults to 0
increment: optional, value from 1-20, defaults to 1. When set to 1 it calculates using daily bar values. A value of 5 can be used to calculate weekly bars (approximately due to holidays).
series: optional, see below


The ideal time frame on a weekly basis (increment=5) is 45 bars, which can then be utilized by comparing the current close to the Chaikin Trend Indicator Close(0)/ChaikinTrend(45,0,5) to rank stocks, with a higher ranking being preferable.

A rate of change of the Chaikin Trend using offset ChaikinTrend(45,0,5) / ChaikinTrend(45,7,5) or a rate of change of the close/ChaikinTrend difference ((Close(0)/ChaikinTrend(45,0,5))/((Close(0)/ChaikinTrend(45,21,5)) can be used in a model to determine the trend of price momentum.

On a daily chart (increment=1) shorter term period values can be used to profit from moving average crossovers to buy stocks which are moving into uptrends. For example: Close(0)/ChaikinTrend(21,0,1)

Series Parameter

By default, technical functions access the time series of the instrument in context. Normally, that is the Stock or ETF currently being evaluated or ranked. In specialized Ranking Nodes, the context depends on the node type. For example, in an "Industry Node" (used to rank Industries against each other), the industry benchmarks are the default context.

You can specify a different time-series in several ways like: using GetSeries(), specifying a StockID directly, or using a time series id. See the examples below.


Get the latest close price using Close(0, series) using different methods for different time series.

Using the ID directly
Using the StockID for SPY:USA* Close(0, 24262)
For the Industry series of the stock being evaluated Close(0,#Industry)
Using a Time Series Id Close(0,$RUI)
For the benchmark Close(0, #Bench)
Using GetSeries
Using a fully qualified ticker Close(0, GetSeries("SPY:USA"))
When USA is your default Close(0, GetSeries("SPY"))
See GetSeries() for more examples like for aggregate series
* StockIDs never change


Pre-defined Series Ids

These are special series ids. Additional Series Ids can be found in the reference under: MISC→TIME SERIES IDs

Id Description Freq OHLC
Industry and Sector
#Sector Stock's Sector Daily C
#SubSector Stock's SubSector Daily C
#Industry Stock's Industry Daily C
#SubIndustry Stock's SubIndustry Daily C
#Bench Benchmark closing prices Daily C
#TNX 10Y Treasury Note Daily OHLC
FED Model series (chart)
#SPRP SP500 Risk Premium Weekly C
#SPEPSCY SP500 EPS CurrentY Weekly C
#SPEPSNY SP500 EPS NextY Weekly C
#SPEPSCNY SP500 EPS Blend Y Weekly C
#SPEPSQ SP500 EPS Blend Q Weekly C
#SPEPSTTM SP500 EPS Trailing 12 months Weekly C
#SPYield SP500 Yield Weekly C


Special Series Ids for Moving Averages & Highest/Lowest functions

Id Description Context
#Open Open prices Stock & ETF
#High High prices Stock & ETF
#Low Low prices Stock & ETF
#Vol Volumes Stock & ETF