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AvgVol(bars [,offset,series]): Calculate the average volume
MedianVol(bars [,offset,series]): Calculate the median volume

These functions calculate average or median volume for a time series. When evaluated in the past, future splits are reversed out to return a point-in-time value. Use median volume with low liquidity stocks to get a better feel for the normal trading volume (large volume spikes affect the average) . The parameters are:

bars: the number of bars used (2-500 for avg, 3-500 for median)
offset: bar offset from the as-of date (use 0-100, defaults to 0)
series: specify alternate time series (see below).


To screen for stocks whose with an average volume greater than 100,000 shares in the past 10 bars enter

AvgVol(10) > 100000

To screen for stocks with rising volume in the last 10 bars compared to the previous 10 bars enter

AvgVol(10) > AvgVol(10,10)

Series Parameter

By default volume functions access the volume time series of the market object in context. Normally the context is the Stock or ETF currently being evaluated or ranked. In specialized Ranking Nodes the context depends on the node type. For example, in an "Industry Node" (used to rank Industries against each other), the industry benchmarks are the default context.

You can override the default behavior by specifying a different time-series. You can do this two ways:

1) by using the GetSeries("ticker/series") function. For example:


2) by using one of the predefined constants below

Id Description Availability Freq
#Sector Stock's Sector Stocks Daily
#SubSector Stock's SubSector Stocks Daily
#Industry Stock's Industry Stocks Daily
#SubIndustry Stock's SubIndustry Stocks Daily
#Family ETF's Family classification ETFs Daily
#Country ETF's Country classification ETFs Daily
#AssetClass ETF's Asset classification ETFs Daily
#Region ETF's Region classification ETFs Daily
#Method ETF's Method classification ETFs Daily
#Style ETF's Style classification ETFs Daily
#Size ETF's Size classification ETFs Daily
#ETFSector ETF's Sector classification ETFs Daily