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Aggregate("formula", scope [, method, outlier_pct, outlier_handl, ex_zero, ex_adrs, median_fallback ])
Full Description
Returns the aggregate value for each scope. Can be used to calculate your own averages for Industries or SP500. It allows either a simple average or a cap-weighted average. Most of the time we would recommend a simple average as cap-weighting results in more volatile values (for ex.if a large cap is a borderline outlier). It works like this:
  • The formula in quotes is evaluated for all the stocks in each scope. The formula could be a single factor, like "MktCap" or more complex like "Close(0)/Close(10)".
  • The results for each scope are placed in an arrays. N/A's are discarded
  • The arrays are sorted.
  • The arrays are trimmed or winsorized
  • The arithmetic or cap-weighted average for each scope is calculated


formula: any valid stock formula

scope: how stocks are grouped before the aggregate is calculated (see below)

method:how the aggregate value is calculated
   #Avg: average the formula values (default, recommended)
   #CapAvg: market cap weighted average for the formula

outlier_pct: trim percent for outliers from each side. Default is 16.5%

outlier_handler: how the outliers are treated
   #Exclude: excludes outliers from the aggregation (default)
   #Winsor: the outliers are set to the highest/lowest value that are not outliers

ex_zero: when set to TRUE 0 values are discarded (handy for factors like Yield). Default is FALSE.

ex_adrs: when set to TRUE ADR's are excluded. Default is TRUE.

median_fallback: when set to > 0 it triggers a fallback to a simple median calculation when not enough stocks are in the scope. Handy for small industries. Default is 0 or no fallback.


Screen for stocks whose PE is less than the Industry average

PEExclXorTTM < Aggregate("PEExclXorTTM",#Industry, #Avg)

Scope Parameter

Values Stocks ETFs Description
#AllYYOperates on current universe
#Previous1YYOperates on the results from previous rule
#GroupVar2YYOperates on groups based on value of variable @Group
--------------------------- For Stocks Only ---------------------------
#SP500YOperates within the SP500 universe
#SectorYOperates within each Sector of current universe
#SubSectorYOperates within each SubSector of current universe
#IndustryYOperates within each Industry of current universe
#SubIndustryYOperates within each SubIndustry of current universe
--------------------------- For ETFs Only ------------------------------
#FamilyYOperates within each ETF Family
#AssetClassYOperates within each ETF Class
#RegionYOperates within each ETF Region
#CountryYOperates within each ETF Country
#MethodYOperates within each ETF Method
#StyleYOperates within each ETF Style
#SizeYOperates within each ETF Size
#ETFSectorYOperates within each ETF Sector
1Available only in the Screener and Custom Universe
2Not available in Ranking Systems