Disconnect between Reverse Engineer and Ranking System Performance Tools?

I have a “simple” ranking system (generified factor names):

Note I am ranking formulas “A” and “B”, as well as ranking system “DisconnectBetweenRevEngAndPerformance” as “Higher” valued.

Now I investigate with Reverse Engineering. Weekly price performance relative to S&P 500:

[size=3]–> +30% results:[/size]

[size=3]–> -30% results:[/size]

So to recap, the overall ranking system (“DisconnectBetweenRevEngAndPerformance+”) shows:
[size=3]+30%: Avg Rank=44.54 StdDev=28.20[/size]
[size=3]-30%: Avg Rank=59.57 StdDev=24.31[/size]

So the +30% results have a much lower average rank (44.54) vs the -30% results (59.57). So I would expect to need to reverse the ranking system method - Lower values ranked more highly.

However, when I run the Ranking Performance Tool, I see that Higher ranked results give best performance:

(The results page doesn’t show it here, but take my word for it - the overall ranking system is still ranked as “Higher”)

Note this is for the same period, both set to weekly evaluation/rebalancing.

Any ideas what could be going on here?

This was posted a long time ago, and the OP has likely moved on. But I just tried the reverse engineering tool for the first time, and I find myself stumbling over the same issue: A ranking factor (a) assigns higher ranks to higher factor values and (b) “works”, i.e. higher factor values are associated with higher future stock gains, yet, using the reverse engineering tool I find that the average rank for stocks outperforming the SPX by 10%+ is lower than the average rank of those stocks underperforming the SPX by 10% or worse.

If you

  • see the flaw in our understanding, or
  • can point me to a thorough explanation of the tool, or
  • can confirm that the tool isn’t working as designed/expected,
    I’d really appreciate the help.


Matt, I can confirm seeing the same apparent concern. The only description that I have found of this reverse engineering process is displayed by clicking on the question mark in the displayed page. I believe the relative SP500 performance choices should be considered inverted, i.e. for the +20% choice, the S&P500 outperforms the stocks by 20% rather than the stocks outperforming the s&P500. Likely just a comparison operation error, but if that is not the case then it would really help for P123 staff to say so.

Bob, thank you for your thoughts. Your explanation seems entirely plausible and I definitely second your request for P123 staff to chime in to confirm/reject it.

Judging by the few available posts about the reverse engineering tool, it seems that so far it has created more confusion than excitement. I think that’s a shame, because the intuition behind it is compelling. With a little more documentation and the fix you suggest, this could be a powerful tool.

I must admit to only skimming the reverse engineering post here…but I will add what I can recall from using it and why it seemed strange.

There is a difference between outliers and average factor performance. Suppose that only extremely high beta stocks return 50% over a 2 week window. Also suppose that only 1% of the high beta stocks achieve this while the other 99 greatly underperform by 5% during the same 2 week window. And suppose that low beta stocks never return 50% in a 2 week window but they outperform on average by 5%.

So you run your scan for stocks that jump 50% or more in 2 weeks. You see that they are high beta stocks. So you add this as a factor and your ranking system sucks. And when you go after low beta stocks, it improves it. All this despite your highest earning stocks all being high beta.

But maybe I am barking up the wrong tree. Just wanted to add my nickel (we no longer have the penny in Canada).

Hey Kurtis, I understand your example but am not yet completely sold on it as the complete answer. I did, however, create a test case that proves my assumption of inverted S&P500 performance comparison logic is wrong. But the test case doesn’t provide an obviously clear picture for me either.

I am still checking and analyzing, so more later!

I have some results from a test, some conclusions, and some unresolved concerns.

To simplify checking the reverse engineering results, I created a test scenario. Five tickers were chosen as of 11/25/2017. Each of them represented a different market cap classification (nano, micro, small, mid, and large cap). Their returns from 11/25/2017 to 2/24/2018 in percent were 150.0, 58.97, 29.29, 10.47, and -23.03. SPY managed 7.34%. Note that 4 of the 5 stocks outperformed SPY. The ticker list was Ticker(“BSTG,PTI,ABCD,AB,EIX”) (listed from small to large market cap).

Using a ranking system with one factor, MktCap, lower is better, with a custom universe that specified only those five stocks, the performance for five buckets from 11/25/2017 to 2/24/2018 with 13 week rebalancing looked as expected, fantastic evidence that for these conditions, smaller is better. The generated ranks for 11/25/2017 for the stocks in the ticker list above were 80, 60, 40, 20, 0. Using reverse engineering and specifying the five tickers in the screen command line, with a 3 month rebalance and the same dates gave the following:

SPY+30%: Avg. Rank 86.76, Std. Dev. 12.63, 2 values used
SPY+20%: Avg. Rank 77.30, Std. Dev. 18.65, 3 values used
SPY+10%: Avg. Rank 77.30, Std. Dev. 18.65, 3 values used
SPY-10%: Avg. Rank 17.10, Std. Dev. 15.77, 2 values used
SPY-20%: Avg. Rank 17.10, Std. Dev. 15.77, 2 values used
SPY-30%: Avg. Rank 30.87, Std. Dev. 26.32, 3 values used

The SPY+ reverse engineering results are as expected (higher ranking performed better in general, and the higher the performance the fewer stocks). The SPY-10, -20, and -30% average ranks reported do not make sense because there was only one low (0) ranked stock (EIX) that performed worse than SPY. I believe the SPY-10, -20, and -30% average rank should report zero, with zero standard deviation, and 1 value used (to match the one stock with a negative return and also a return worse than SPY).

I don’t know what else to attempt at this time. Any suggestions or comments???

I hope P123 chimes in on this one.


I would like to know how the reverse engineer works.
It seems to be demanded within the P123 community.
Thanks in advance.