what will replace the economic data from compustat? (e.g. #UNEMP)


I might have missed the announcement - but I was looking up #UNEMP (to try to use it for market timing) on the help section and realized that there is a note that states “to be deprecated”.

What is going to replace it and when (roughly)?
How to access the replacement in simulations?

Many thanks,


We have downloaded the data from ALFRED which is point-in-time so that in the past future revisions re reversed out.

Compustat overwrites the data every month. It’s ok for some series, not for others.

You can see our point in time data in the MACRO CHARTS. Just add ##UNRATE Civilian Unemployment Rate, select 10 years in the date picker, then hover over 1/31/2010 you will see the value of 9.8. But when you changed the date period to end around 5/1/2010 you will see a value of 9.7 for 1/31/2010. In other words ##UNRATE was revised up some time after it was released.

The point in time economic data is only available in the macro chart at the moment.

Thanks Marco - I checked the values you mentioned and indeed it is PIT - very good!

Do you have a very rough ETA for being able to use the output of macro charts directly in a sim? (i.e. this year? next year? TBD?)
→ For a market timing use, I assume that -for the moment- one has to do a visual check of the desired macro chart and then manually activating / removing a hedge for example?