Errors running screens

Tonight I get errors when I click Run Screen for some of my screens, on which Backtests are still working. The error message is variable.
Example 1:
ERROR: SELECT RTRIM(ISNULL(r.sname, f.sname)), ISNULL(RTRIM(f.formula), ‘’), ISNULL(v.data_type, ISNULL(CASE WHEN v.vocab_def_grp_id IN (‘CLASSIFICATION’, ‘TAXONOMY’) THEN ‘%’ END, ‘F’) FROM report_col r WITH (NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN user_formula f WITH (NOLOCK) ON f.formula_uid=r.formula_uid LEFT JOIN vocab_def v WITH (NOLOCK) ON v.sname=r.sname WHERE r.report_uid=? ORDER BY col_order;Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘FROM’.;0000000527522090

Example 2:
ERROR: DECLARE @error VARCHAR(MAX) SET @error=? INSERT INTO user_activity_log (user_uid, dt, type, error, ret_code, msec) VALUES (?, GETDATE(), ?, CASE WHEN LEN(@error)>0 THEN @error END, ?, ?);String data, right truncation;000000052B3DA890

I have the same issues too

Same here.

Same when I run a screen



same here

I am getting the same error

Screens should be running again.

thanks for reporting the issue.
