Screening for companies that cut their dividend

What would be some of the most efficient ways for screening companies that have cut their dividend?


You can try:
IAD<DivPS(0,ANN) or DivPaidTTM<DivPaidPTM

Do you mean decreased or cut ?

Screening for companies that have stopped paying dividends in a timely fashion is tricky. The announcement to stop is usually done with a press release, so someone from the data provider has to read it, and take note. You can easily see that this is not always happening

Yield >20

There are 21 companies paying a 20% yield? I think not. I would be very cautious and review these.

Also, David example works but it looks at financial statements, filed every three months, so it may suffer with a big of a lag.

For a more timely way, look at the actual dividend stream using something like

DivPSDays(365,0,#Regular,#ExDate, FALSE) < DivPSDays(365,365,#Regular,#ExDate, FALSE)

The left sums up the regular dividends paid in the past 365 days. The right sums up the regular dividends paid in the prior 365 days.