Live Portfolio stock prices

For “Live Portfolios” P123 uses transaction price of previous trading day, not when the transaction took place. Buy Price is previous trading day’s closing price plus fees. Thus if one looks at a live portfolio on Tuesday, one will see transactions that took place on Monday, but the prices for those transactions are closing prices of Friday plus fees. The same stocks show Current Price as Monday’s closing price. Buy price should be Monday’s closing price plus fees not Friday’s closing price plus fees.

This is very confusing if one wants to track performance over time without manually adjusting the transaction prices. Also it does not help to track performance with Simulations (which show the correct transaction prices), because sims vary over time due to changes in P123 algorithms and database.

It would be appreciated if P123 could find a way to fix this problem with live portfolios.

Agreed. The functionality that is desired already seems to be available in the R2G models, so it would be useful to utilize the same system for the “Live Portfolios”.

All that has to be done by P123 is to update “Live Portfolios” on Monday nights to reflect the prices for the transactions done on Monday and get rid of the Friday prices.

This adjustment would have to be optional for each portfolio. I manually edit the price and commission of every trade in my live ports so that I can see what the real performance and slippage was. I would not want the prices, commission and number of share I have entered to be overwritten by this adjustment.

I agree with Dan. I use the Port to track my actual performance.