Your help with FMedian

For a buy rule I would like the company to be part of an industry that is in the top half of all industry ProjPENextFY medians, based on companies that have at least #AnalystsNextFY>2. Is this possible to accomplish with P123?

I am struggling to get this working with functions and parameters like FRank, FMedian, #Groupvar, #Industry, e.g.:
FRank(“FMedian(“ProjPENextFY”,#Groupvar AND #Industry)”)>50

Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

HedgeHog - you will need to put the number of analysts in a custom universe. I can’t see any way around it.

I tried to use a variable and also custom function but I was unable to accommodate FRank(“FMedian(”…").

The solution appears to be creation of a rating system (i.e. ranking system) with one node: FMedian(“ProjPENextFY”,#Industry). In this example I called the RS “FM”.

Then in the sim, use the buy rule: Rating(“FM”)>50

I have created an example:

I think this should do what you want but no guarantees! I didn’t do the custom universe part…


Thank you Steve, I created a custom universe. Your solution seems to do the trick as #Industry ranks within Industries in selected universe.

I hoped this could be achieved without having to create a new rating system and universe, but I guess this is the only way.

Just to be explicit, the problem with combining these functions is that you can’t nest quoted strings. That’s a general rule on P123, and applies to any function that takes a quoted string.

Paul - I used to be able to put one of the functions with quotes in a custom function, then embed the custom function within the second set of quotes. This used to work. But it gives me an error now at least in this particular instance.