InsOwnerSh% - empty factor

is it being deprecated?

I didn’t check but from what I can remember it starts in 2004 and it doesn’t exist in Canada.

Returns 0 results

It’s one of the last factors we still need to build since the switch to Compustat. Sorry about that

Thank you Marco, keep up the hard work! I understand that you and your teammates are working on so much different improvements. I have a request from a few months ago that wants to batch refresh screen performances. Do you think you can work it into your team’s schedule within the next few months? Thanks a lot!

Marco - when will InsOwnerSh% be re-built? Currently this parameter is nonfunctional.


This could be a problem when it's rebuilt.  It used to be a fairly common factor.  If it suddenly turns on, I'm not at all sure how my backtests would be affected.


If your backtests all turns to a pumpkin because they were tweaked to the one constant of the universe which depends on insider ownership, then p123 is doing you a favor and saving you real money.

Marco - when will InsOwnerSh% be re-built?

Is this the same as Inst%Own ?
This factor is still working in my sims as long as you don’t go back before 3/31/01 .

Will “Option” ever be rebuilt, as well?

Bob - Inst%Own is institutional ownership. InsOwnerSh% is insider ownership.

sglinski - The answer to that one is no, it won’t be. The problem is that the Option flag was something that we got from Reuters. We do not receive a similar data point from S&P, so we can’t recreate it. Sorry.

Investopedia defines the Float as the portion of stock available for public trading. The majority of stock that is not in the float is restricted stock and insider holdings. Should it not hold true, then, that since insider holdings is roughly the inverse of the float, that:

@InsiderPctHeld = 100 - isNA(FloatPct,100)


Just got to this thread, looking for answers regarding the missing insider ownership percentage. Thanks for pointing out the possibility of backing into that number. After reading the Investopedia article , it seems to me though that the formula would be:

@InsiderPctHeld = 100 - isNA(FloatPct,100) - isNA(Inst%Own)